Sunday, March 23, 2008

Courtnay on TV

I (Court) have an interesting story.....
So while Christmas shopping in San Francisco I was interviewed by CNET and kind of forgot to see if I made it onto the show. It was the same day that I cut my finger so that's what stuck in my head for the day. But tonight while Kevin and I were checking out shows on I came across CNET TV and mentioned that I was interviewed for them. Kevin asked if I checked to see if I made it in the show and I hadn't, so we searched. All I could remember was that the product was shoes that claimed to eliminate cellulite and help your posture. And thanks to Google, I found that the shoes did exist and that CNET did review them. I found the show online and lo and behold....I was the first one they interviewed!! I am famous!! Not... But I thought I would share here.

All I could remember of the interview was me being very nervous and then thinking "don't look at my shoes!!" after saying that the others shoes looked orthopedic! I was wearing my favorite Dansko clogs that DO look orthopedic. But I needed the height because my pants are long and I wanted something comfortable to shop in all day. Ok enough justifying my shoes... just watch me on TV! I am there at about 2:30 left in the clip. And if you keep watching, at about 1:50 left in the clip, I am in the background putting money in the meter. I am thinking "Oh no! Please don't interview me. I don't know anything about anything important!"

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