Monday, February 9, 2009

Shooting range

I have a friend from my men's group who goes to the shooting range a lot and he invited Court and I to go. We were a bit nervous trying it out (our hands are both of our livelihoods!) but we really wanted to try it. We went this past Saturday and had a great time. Here are some pictures and a video of us. And yes, Court was more accurate than me, as you see in the last picture.


studball said...

Haha, I want to see Adam do a gangster lean, and shoot that chart down with one hand. Maybe that's why you were off a little bit ;)

Caroline said...

i love shooting. i want a revolver. when you say your work depends on your hands...what did you think, you were gonna shoot yourself??

adam said...

The last gun I shot was a revolver and Tim warned me about having my fingers past a certain point, because he said it'll tear up my hands. So that's it.

Chuck, MB, Tessa & Baby #2 said...

Way to go, Court! I'm better than Chuck, too. Must be a girl thing...