Sunday, May 4, 2008


Adam keeps bugging me telling me that I really need to post something to the blog. But I keep telling him that I don't really have anything to post about. I haven't taken any pictures and we haven't gone to or done anything interesting. Oh well. I guess there is a couple new things in our lives...

First, my job. I have officially worked for 2 weeks. This past week and next week are/ were busy! I work Tues- Sat and then Mon-Thurs. I am temping in a different office the extra days. I normally only work 3 days a week. But it has been good. I like what I am doing and am glad to finally be productive.

Second, we are going to be moving. Adam and I thought that when our lease is up the end of June that we would move to San Francisco. Well, we have changed our minds. We decided that with my new job in Sunnyvale and the price of gas it would be better to stay in the area. Plus we have finally started to make some friends. We really didn't want to move an hour away to a place were we knew no one just because it might be a cool area. But we definitely are going to be moving out of where we are now. We just really don't like Sunnyvale. It is very, very boring. We are looking into Saratoga, Los Gatos, and Los Altos. All smaller towns with nice downtown areas and close to the mountains. Ideally we would find a small cottage or guest house on a nice piece of property with some nice trees. And MOST important is that we could get a cat!! I really can't wait to get a cat.

And that kind of brings me to another point... Lately Adam and I have both been going a little pet crazy. Me for a cat and Adam for a dog. I like dogs I just don't think that it would work for us to get one now. But every time we see a dog, Adam can't stop talking about how "cute" it is and "look at it" and "oh, it reminds me of Rex." I had a missing Pepper moment this past week where I put my foot down off the couch and hit Adam's back pack and instantly thought I had almost stepped on Pepper. It is weird how memories come back like that.

Ok so I finally posted. Yea!


Marilyn said...

It is that unexplainable need to nuture. I completely understand. I miss Pepper every day!!!

Carlee McDot said...

Hey guys. Just wanted to make sure you weren't moving in the next two weeks (wedding invitations will be hitting the mail box soon). If we need an updated address, let me know :)

Chuck, MB, Tessa & Baby #2 said...

Here's my 2-cents worth, if you care to hear it:
1) Don't get an animal that will shed bad - I'll I do is clean up after Charlie!
2) Having an animal means you can't just get up and go whenever you want since you have to make plans for someone to take care of the animal while you're away.
If you choose to take the plunge, good luck!

Emily B said...

Ha yeah Yay for blogs, jobs, AND pets! I actually started my blog after reading yours! Thought it was a fun idea! I am planning on a Golden retreiver in a few short months, and John wants a Bulldog WOOF! I am guessing from your mom's post that Pepper is no longer around? Pepper was a good dog, always herded us when we were running in your yard! I liked that!

Unknown said...

ohhh Pepper :)

You know... you do need some pets. They make life better. Everyday.