I had a good day. Not only did Michigan Football kick butt, I canned some tomatoes! What an experience. I have to say it is not all that hard, just a little time consuming. My tomatoes have been doing very good but they aren't producing enough at one time to use them solely for canning. Therefore, I made a run this morning to the local farmers market and picked up a few pounds of organic heirloom tomatoes. I don't exactly know how many pounds of tomatoes I canned, but I now have ten 12 oz jars!
I forgot to take a pic of the tomatoes before the skins were off. But here they are skinned and getting mashed and cooked.
Now what to can next..... except I am out of jars and don't really want to buy more. Which is why these are not pints... these are what I had on hand.
I got a lot of info from these sites:
www.thriftyfun.com -this is a pdf
They look so pretty. Great job!
So what kinds of things will you use them for? Their color is gorgeous!
I'll probably use them in sauces and any other time I would use a store bought can of tomatoes. We'll see how it goes though... I have never used home canned tomatoes!
Good job, Court! You're such a good housewife... I always knew you would be. Those pics of the cans in the window are AWESOME! They look like prof pics. Hope life is treating you well! You should can some green beans - they're my favorite!
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