I bought a dress at TJ Maxx and like it, I think... I need some help. I don't know who all reads this but comment away! And I am no model so the pitcures are .. ya know... not the best. I was thinking about wearing it to a wedding this summer.

PS. Yes, that is a cat door taped open. Peach won't go through unless it is open...
That is one of the cutest dresses I have ever seen, and it looks perfect on you! Take it from me, young gals like yourself should where the short sleeveless dresses while you can because when you get of a certain age they are no longer an option.I say yes to the dress!
I like it and it looks good on you (most importantly :) I am not much of a critic but I think it is a keeper!
You look Great. Totally rock the dress!
-Lindsay Vaudt
ps- Yes, I read your blog and am now addicted to all those design blogs that you have links too! :)
Courtnay- I have yet to see you look bad in anything! This is a must-wear for the wedding.
I think it looks good on you too, Court. Not that I've seen you look bad in anything... you've certainly got the body for it. Courtnay Fabulous! :)
Beautiful Courtnay!!
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