I love New York City and while I have friends there, I will visit!
The first weekend of June I flew to NYC and stayed with my good friend Darra in Brooklyn. We had a blast! It had been over a year since we last saw each other. I arrived Friday night into JFK after a little rain delay. That night we hit up the corner bar for some dinner and drinks (where they had Goefel Kolsh on tap and Adam is supremely jealous!) and some serious catch-up! Then Sat afternoon we went to Williamsburg, Brooklyn for the Renegade Craft Fair which was very cool. Darra bought a sweet necklace and I left empty handed. Then we went into Manhattan to check on play times/prices. The show we wanted to see was sold out so we went to plan b which was Ave Q. We got there in time to add our names to the raffle (at 5:30 you put your name in a bucket and at 6 they draw names and sell 12 tickets for half price). And my name was pulled first! Yea! Two tickets, front row, center. A little close for comfort but it was still fun. By the time the play was out, we were both exhausted and headed back to Brooklyn.
Sunday morning we went for brunch at this great place right by Darra's apt. Then went to buy tickets for the boat tour around Manhattan. Luckily it was a beautiful day. We really enjoyed the tour although it was a bit long, 3 hrs. After we met up with Anna in Soho for dinner. We ate at a completely random place but by the time we were done with dinner, speed dating was happening! So of course we had to stay and watch for a while :) What a funny experience! Makes me very happy to be married!
Darra and I on the boat.

I believe this is the Brooklyn Bridge.
Lady Liberty.
Out to dinner with Darra and Anna in Soho.
This is a bunch of Trump condo buildings. I just read in some mag that Jon (from Jon and Kate) is rumored to be looking at buying on of these condos.

And for those that watch How I Met Your Mother, this is a for real crooked apt building, possible down wind from the sewage treatment plant :)
Then Monday came abound and Darra had to work so I was planning on going in with her and seeing what school, 1st grade special ed., was like in the inner city. Well, neither of us slept well and D forgot to alert the principal that I was coming so she called in sick. Can't say I was too bummed about this :) So we went back to bed and then met up with Anna again in Soho and did some shopping. I left later that evening. It was an awesome trip! But next, Darra has to visit me!