I booked my ticket months ago for a weekend getaway to NYC to visit Darra. I didn't have a job or even a license then. I decided to go Fri - Mon and as luck would have it my new job worked out perfectly (I only work T-Th). So I left from SFO on Friday morning at about 10am and got into JFK at about 8pm (gotta love the time change). I almost made a stupid mistake and followed a guy that claimed he was a taxi driver but relized my oops as we past the cab line and were heading into the parking lot (yikes!). I then said 'peace out' to him and got in the cab line. I arrived at Darra's apt at about 9. We were hungry and decided to go to the conviently located (literally 1 min walk) Park Slope Ale House for some drinks and food. It was a great spot and a great time catching up with Darra. With her (not so much mine :) ) busy schedule it has been hard to talk as much as we would like.
Saturday we got up surprisingly early (7:30am) and left for Manhattan to meet Anna for some shopping. After a bit of confusion as to which H&M to meet at (there are many in a small area), we finnaly got together. We shopped and then decided to get some luch and go to Central Park. On the way we walked through Time's Square.
After Central Park, we took the train to SoHo for some more shopping. At about 5pm we were getting tired and decided to head our seperate ways and go home with the promise to call if we did anything that night. We got home around 6 and two hours later after a good nap, Darra and I decided that some slices of pizza and a movie sounded better than getting all gussied up and going out.
Sunday we got up at a good hour again. Rain was predicted for the day so we planned on doing some things inside. We rode the train into Manhattan and saw a play called Spring Awakening at 2pm. It won the Tony for best musical last year and did not dissapoint. 
After we meet Anna for lunch/ early dinner at the Coffee Shop. The food was good but they definitely wanted us in and out fast. We then all took the train back to Brooklyn and went to a comedy show. We had heard that it was good but must have hit it on an off night because we (and everyone else) barely laughted and were glad that it only cost $7.
Monday was a relaxing day for me. Darra had to work sort of. She took a personal development day so we could go out Sunday night but still had to "be productive" on Monday. That consisted of 5 hours on public transportation and probably 2 hours of "personal development." Anna was able to call in sick and take the day off so she met me in Brooklyn. We got lunch and then had our nails done. Then we went to some random stores such as Borders and Rite Aid. It was really great to see Anna again for the day and I will be eternally jealous of her beautiful nails (should have taken a pic).

Overall I had an amazing time in NYC. I REALLY miss Darra and Anna. It was so awesome to see them and be with them again!!! Also the fact that it rained was amazing! I really miss the rain and the way it smells. Cali is wierd and never rains. I also loved Brooklyn. The brownstones were beautiful and the maple tree lined streets were very refreshing to my midwest spirit.